Scientific Committee
The scientific committee is responsible for the evaluation and selection of the papers submitted. With its expertise, it ensures the quality of the presentations and conference contributions. It thus makes a decisive contribution to the design and orientation of the WCC 2022 program. It is also involved in the preparations for the “Leipzig Logbook”.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Berkner
Regional planning association Leipzig - West Saxony
Kirsten Boje
City of Leipzig, Scientific Organisation WCC 2022
Prof. Hartmut Ginnow-Merkert
Dr. Sabine Heymann
Prof. Dr. Sigrun Kabisch
Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research - UFZ, Department of Urban and Environmental Sociology
Hans Dieter Kasperidus
Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research - UFZ, Department of Nature Conservation Research
Karin Kuhn
formerly State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology
Dirk Lindemann
Klaus Müller-Pfannenstiel
Julia Pollok
WIN - Wassertourismus Initiative Nordbrandenburg
Guido Puhlmann
Middle Elbe Biosphere Reserve Europarc Germany
Gesa Schwoon
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Stamm
Technical University of Dresden, hydraulic engineering